RHSC Latest News Bulletin


Travel Team Tryouts for 2008-2009 Program Year
If your child is enthusiastic about playing soccer, wishes to become better skilled and would enjoy playing with more competitive and skilled teammates, then the Travel program is a good choice. As with any sport, playing in an advanced program is a great preparation for High School team participation (Modified - JV - Varsity).

The Travel Program tryouts will be held as listed below. Tryouts are held at Mill Road School fields. Please contact Amy Sivulich (via Organization/Contact... link) for any questions you may have.

Division   (Date of Birth)  - Tryout Date & Time
BU09       (8/1/99-7/31/00) - Mon 6/2  5:30-7 ...new team interest ...Updated on 5/27
BU10       (8/1/98-7/31/99) - Mon 5/12 5:30-7  and Mon 5/19 5:30-7
GU10       (8/1/98-7/31/99) - Wed 5/14 5:30-7  and Tue 5/20 5:30-7 ...Updated on 5/2
BU11       (8/1/97-7/31/98) - Fri 5/16 5:30-7  and Tue 5/20 5:30-7
BU12       (8/1/96-7/31/97) - Sat 5/17 5:30-7  and Tue 5/27 5:30-7 ...Updated on 5/12
GU11/12/13 (8/1/95-7/31/98) - Fri 5/23 5-6:30  and Fri 5/30 5-6:30 ...Updated on 5/8
BU13/14    (8/1/94-7/31/96) - To Be Announced

RHSC Registration for 2008-2009 Program Year
On May 1st, the Red Hook Soccer Club will open its on-line registration system in preparation for next Fall/Spring program year registration. As a reminder, the Club is 100% coverted to this system and returning families can take advantage of their "account" information to quickly register players.

While the on-line system is "user friendly", we recommend that families review the User Document.

Please note the following change... as a result of small numbers, the RHSC is no longer distinguishing a fee difference between partial (Fall Only) and full (Fall & Spring) year participation.

Age Chart