RHSC Latest News Bulletin

Our Spring season has blossomed!
As most probably were wondering, when would the Spring season get underway? For most, this was a fair question to ask as weather and other factors seemed to lay a level of doubt. As things dried out which let the volunteers prepare the fields, and final Spring schedules got posted - our sincere apology about the delay - teams engaged in practicing and participating in their 1st game on Saturday, April 14th. As you can see from the schedules, there are NO games on Memorial Weekend. The Club will walk in the Town parade of which the details will be communicated by Coaches shortly. We look forward to seeing you there!

Volunteer Assignment Program Implemented
In the past you have heard pleas for assistance in support of the many different events & activities that the Soccer Club has throughout the year. Most times the response level is unacceptably low. As a result the Board agreed upon a volunteer assignment program whereby each family will be requested/required to fulfill an activity - be it to assist with field lining, Photo Day, Fall Site Readiness, Spring Site Readiness, and Registration to name a few. By now you have received a letter announcing the same information, and for some, assignments have already been communicated ( and performed! ). While no one like to force these types of things, the reality is that a very small count of volunteers were doing the work... an unfair and unmanageable situation. We believe that all our participant families need to invest themselves in the operations of the Club... since we are 100% volunteer based... and it is for ALL our benefit & enjoyment. As always, your feedback is important as we strive to work out the finer details. To do so, click on the [Organization] link in the left panel and send an email to any one of the Board members.

Travel Team Tryouts!
Just announced are the annual Travel team tryouts. A separate flyer will be distributed also indicating the details of dates & times for the various age groups. All tryouts are held at the soccer fields at Mill Road School.
U-9 boys/girls        (birthdates 8/1/98-7/31/00)  Thu., May 3 at 5:30PM and Thu., May 10 at 5:30PM

U-11/10 boys/girls    (birthdates 8/1/96-7/31/98)  Fri., May 11 at 5:30PM and Fri., May 18 at 5:30PM

U-12 girls            (birthdates 8/1/95-7/31/97)  Mon., May 14 at 4:30PM and Mon., May 21 at 4:30PM

U-13/12 boys          (birthdates: 8/1/94-7/31/96) Sat., May 12 at Noon and Sat., May 19 at Noon

U-14/13 girls         (birthdates: 8/1/93-7/31/95) Sat., May 5 at 9AM and Sat., May 12 at 9AM

For more information, please contact Amy Sivulich - amysivulich@msn.com