Fall 2006 News Bulletin

Last Minute Registration for 2006/2007:
Are you looking to register you child? There might be room, so immediately contact Brooke Stevens, the RHSC's Registrar.

Club Volunteering:
We wish to remind families that the RHSC operates with 100% volunteers; Board members, coordinators, and coaches. As we have experienced, more help is needed. Specifically, there will be greater efforts to coordinate volunteer support for Photo Day and the weekly field lining work. Contained within each team package that your coach has, a volunteer duty & timeslot was listed. Each team MUST fulfill the obligation as scheduled... and THIS IS NOT FOR A COACH TO PERFORM! Please help make the RHSC operate smoothly and volunteer.

On a related note, Board membership has changed! Using the [Organization/Contacts...] link in the left navigator will show you the roles and responsibilities of the RHSC.

RHSC's Fall Coach Certification class is being Rescheduled:
In conjunction with the new policy, the RHSC hosted 2 NSCAA State Diploma classes for coaches to attend. A 2nd sequence was planned for the afternoon of Saturday, September 16th. Do to instructor availability, the class is being postponed.

The Board wishes to remind ALL about the following;