Spring 2006 News Bulletin
Club Volunteering:
As you know, the RHSC is 100% volunteer based and we are not part of the Red Hook Central School District nor the Town of Red Hook Recreation Program. Simply stated, we are self supported!! A long standing issue with organization of our kind is achieving ample volunteer support from the participating families. Clearly it takes a large population of adult volunteers to support the 500+ players, and letting others carry your burden is not acceptable. Now is the time to review what you have/should do for this program... as your registration fee is not your only obligation to participate. At the May RHSC Board meeting, preliminary Board nominations will occur. Furthermore, non-Board positions are be discussed as to who can assist... be it Division Directors, Coaches, Coordinators, etc. Give this serious consideration... as limiting participation is something we want to avoid!
Reminder of RHSC Code of Conduct:
The Board wishes to remind ALL about our "Code of Conduct", which is part of each players registration form and can be reviewed online via the navigator on the left. This past Fall several "situations" arose that were brought to the attention of the Board and warranted follow-on discussions. We need to put our competitive nature into perspective which is what the Code attempts to highlight. So, please take a moment to review them and strive to live by them as failure to do so may result in being removed from participation.
New RHSC Policy Approved - Coach Certification:
At the January RHSC Board meeting, it was unanimously agreed that effective for the Fall 2006 season all Under 8 or higher level coaches shall be required to have a USSF "Youth Module - F" Level Coaches license or equivalent ( e.g. NSCAA Non-Resident State Diploma ). The spirit of this policy is consistent with the Club's Mission Statement to advance the sport of soccer through the improvement of soccer coaching knowledge. It was further agreed that the course fee will be funded by the RHSC, and subsequent higher level licensing is also encourage and will be supported. In addition, the RHSC will make efforts to have a USSF "F" License course or equivalent scheduled locally, while it remains the responsibility of those interested in coaching to take appropriate actions to fulfill the licensing requirement. Waivers will be considered in extreme situations for a single season.
In conjunction with this Policy announcement, the RHSC is pleased to also announce that a NSCAA Non-Resident State Diploma course is being planned. This is a 5 hour course and a minimum participation level of 15 individuals is needed. UPDATE - New Date: The plan was to hold the class on April 29th, but a conflict arose with the Instructor. The reschedule date is May 13th ( 5/13 ) again at Bard College from Noon to 5PM. In addition, we have also asked for a second offering to be scheduled on June 10th... same time & location. As before, this offering is not limited to current RHSC coaches though a commitment to coach in the future is expected to have the RHSC fund the individual.
Actions To Take:
1.) Learn more about the NSCAA Coaching Courses, go to at (http://www.nscaa.com/ ) and follow the Coach Education->Non-Residential Courses to State Diploma section.
2.) Respond to Brad Howland ( bhowland@us.ibm.com ) if interested in attending 4/29 State Diploma course at Bard College
Note: To learn more about the USSF Coaching courses, go to (http://www.enysoccer.com/coaches_corner.htm ) for "Youth Module-F", "E" and "D" level and then (http://www.ussoccer.com/coaches/schools/index.jsp.html ) for "C", "B" and "A" levels.
The Spring 2006 Travel & Intramural Season:
The 2nd half of the 2005/2006 program year will commense on Sunday, April 2nd for Travel teams and on Saturday, April 8th for Intramural. Intramural schedules will be available on-line via our website and Travel schedules via the EHYSL website. For both, there will be no games played on Memorial Day weekend and the Soccer Club will participate in the Town parade. Once again a Field Lining Schedule is going to be in effect and each team will need a volunteer for this efort to make this community program a success... so be a role model, lead by example and volunteer.
Changes with 2006/2007 Registration:
Registration for the Fall 2006/Spring 2007 program year will change to make the effort more focused. This year Registration will occur on Thursday, May 18th and again on Tuesday, May 23rd from 6:00PM until 8:30PM at the Mill Road School 3-5 cafeteria.
The 2006/2007 Intramural fees will be as follows:
Fall & Spring: Fall Only
$ 75 - 1 player $55 - 1 player
$125 - 2 or more $85 - 2 or more
A late fee of $25 will be applied for those registering after June 25th... so sign up timely.
Travel Team Try-outs:
If your child is enthusiastic about playing soccer, and would enjoy playing with more competitive and skilled teammates, then the Travel program might be the proper choice. For more information, please contact Amy Sivulich at (845)876-1152. For this Fall 2006/Spring 2007, we are looking to create a new team for Boys and Girls at the U9/10 age bracket as well enhancing current rosters of our successful Boys' and Girls' teams.