Red Hook Soccer Club, Inc.
P.O.Box 404
Red Hook, NY 12571
Est. 1993
Board of Directors
President: Ed Mercier
Presides at all meetings of the Board of Directors, sets the agendas for
and chairs the monthly Board meetings and Annual Meeting, oversees the
general management of the organization, countersigns contracts and
payment drafts, and ensures that all orders and resolutions of the Board
are carried into effect. Works with Board and staff volunteers as
needed. Annually sets the strategic goals and objectives of the
organization and recommends an annual budget for Board approval.
VP-Intramural Program: Amy and Michael Williams
Includes 1st VP Role whereby during the absence or disability of the
President, presides at the monthly Board meeting.
Manages Intramural Program development, division structure, coaching
needs, team creation and equity, establishes season calendar and game
scheduling as well as rain out decision and presides at coaches meetings.
Provides direction to the following staff volunteer roles; Division
Directors & Coaches. Works with various executives and staff volunteers
to assist completion of the following activities or special events;
accuracy of information system, player registration, sponsorship,
referee scheduling, supplies (jerseys & balls), Photo Day scheduling,
Opening Day activities, Family Day activities and communications.
Provides input to budget creation process and oversees the Intramural
Program budget.
VP-Travel Program: Lesley Franceschi
Includes 2nd VP Role whereby during the absence or disability of the
President and 1st VP, presides at the monthly Board meeting.
Manages Travel Program development, team/divsion strategy, coaching
needs, player evaluation, interface to East Hudson Youth Soccer Leagues
( for team-player registration and referee needs, and
RHSC's annual Soccer Fever Tournament.
Provides direction to the following staff volunteer roles; Travel
Coaches. Works with various executives, staff volunteers & EHYSL staff
to assist completion of the following activities or special events;
accuracy of information system, supplies (jerseys & balls), Photo Day
scheduling, Family Day activities, Opening Day activities, and
communications. Provides input to budget creation process and oversees
the Travel Program budget.
Director-Operations: Kristen and Anthony Crandall
Manages clubwide supplies and weekly field operations.
Provides direction to the following staff volunteer roles; Supplies
Manager, and Field Manager along with coordination of Porta-Potty and
Concession vendors. Works with program executives (i.e. Intramural &
Travel) to ensure efficient and safe operations of their programs. Works
with various executives and staff volunteers to assist completion of the
following activities or special events; accuracy of information system,
and communications. Provides input to budget creation process and
oversees the Operations budget.
Director-Development: Paul LaBarbera
Manages programs for player development, referee development, and
coaches development as well as special events; Soccer Camp.
Provides direction to the following staff volunteer roles; Trainer(s),
Camp Coordinator, and Referee Coordinator (Intramural Only). Works with
program executives (i.e. Intramural & Travel) to develop and deliver
solutions to their needs. Works with various executives and staff
volunteers to assist completion of the following activities or special
events; accuracy of information system, and communications. Provides
input to budget creation process and oversees the Development budget.
Registrar: Christina Staubi
During the absence or disability of the Secretary, assumes those
responsibilities. Manages the Registration process, initializes the data
in the information system, ensures accuracy of personal information,
produces player registration forms, collects player registration fees,
and produces mailing labels as necessary. Works with various executives
and staff volunteers to assist completion of the following activities;
Photo Day, and registration publication.
Secretary: Belinda Kaake
Manages the minutes of the Board meetings, oversees the keeping of
official organization documents, keeps a membership roll - name,
residence, position, timefram- of the Board, oversees correspondences of
the organization, as well as special events; Photo Day, Holiday Dinner,
and Family Day.
Provides direction to the following staff volunteer roles; Sponsor
Liason, Marketing Volunteer, Newsletter Volunteer(s), Photo Day
Coordinator, Holiday Dinner Coordinator, and Family Day Coordinator.
Works with various executives and staff volunteers to assist completion
of the following activities or special events; accuracy of information
Treasurer: Mark Pozniak
Custodian of all funds and securities, performs entries into financial
accounting system, provides at Board meetings a financial summary of
transactions, balances and budgets, reconciles account payable
discepancies, countersigns contracts and payment drafts, performs
deposits, annually presents an audit of financial conditions, and
performs Federal and State financial filings. Works with various
executives, staff volunteers to assist completion of the following
activities or special events; budgeting. Provides input to budget
creation process, audits other budgets, and oversees the general budget.
Intramural Program - Division Directors:
Amy and Michael Williams are the VP of Intramural Program 09/10
U-5 Division Director Merisue Pozniak
U-6 Division Director Ben Hoen
U-8 Division Director Marcus Leaver
U-10 Division Director Bernadette McCrudden
U-13 Division Director Mike Williams
Family Day Coordinator:
Field Manager:
Holiday Dinner/Dance Coordinator:
Intramural Referee Coordinator: Cindy Dyal
Marketing Volunteer:
Newsletter Volunteer(s):
Photo Day Coordinator:
Sponsorship Liason: Susan Sweet
Supplies Manager: David and Amy Shein
Travel Reference Coordinator: Jane Heidcamp